Trusted Reno, Nevada Car Accident Attorneys

If you’ve recently been the victim of a car accident caused by somebody else’s recklessness or negligence, you’re likely navigating high-stress levels, pain, and worry. You might be recovering from physical injuries, trying to get the right medical care, adjusting to a disability, missing work, trying to arrange alternative transportation, taking care of injured family members, or coping with the loss of a loved one.
In addition to everything you’re going through, it’s common for insurance companies to take aggressive action to settle cases early and pay a mere fraction of what the victim or victims may be entitled to recoup. To prevent this additional stressor, you must speak with an experienced personal injury attorney before settling your case.
Our dedicated Reno car accident lawyers at Coulter Harsh Law will assist you in gathering all the necessary evidence to help assist with you obtaining the legal compensation you deserve. This includes communicating with your medical providers, tracking expenses, and handling the insurance company to ensure fair treatment and the highest possible legal compensation.
We take Reno car accidents seriously, and our team of experienced personal injury attorneys hav helped our clients recover millions in settlements over the years. There’s relief available for you right now. Call us to discuss your case. We can help.
You’re Not Alone: Reno Car Accident Cases Are Common
According to Zero Fatalities, there were 416 traffic accident fatalities in Nevada in 2022 alone, a 32% increase from the previous year. That’s not to mention the many accidents that resulted in permanently disabling and severe injuries. If you’ve been in an accident and suffered minor or moderate injuries, you still may be eligible for financial compensation, especially if there’s definitive evidence of the other party’s wrongdoing.
Before you pursue legal action, you might wonder if you have a viable case that could lead to financial compensation.
In our many years of serving people of all ages and backgrounds after they’ve been in an accident, we’ve worked tirelessly to establish the extent of the damages, determine liability, and pursue much-needed financial compensation.
Damages might include material damage to your vehicle, such as repairs or, in extreme cases, vehicle replacement. They also include the cost of medical care you receive due to the accident or the emotional and physical strain that can come from being involved in a significant accident to your or your loved one. You may have missed time from work due to your injuries.
A car accident can be incredibly distressing, leaving you with lasting psychological impacts, such as anxiety, depression, concern about mounting medical bills and other life-altering changes. Any treatment you receive as a result of emotional distress related to the motor vehicle accident can warrant commensurate financial compensation.
If you’ve been in a car accident in Nevada or California, we can help you determine the extent of your damages. Our team will become your advocates, allowing you and your family to obtain compensation so you can prioritize your recovery.
Common Damages for Car Accident Victims
Car accidents can range from minor inconveniences to catastrophic or life-ending events. One of the more critical aspects of navigating the aftermath of a car accident is determining damages so you can file a personal injury claim seeking financial compensation that you are legally entitled to.
After an accident, worrying about these questions or other legal matters shouldn’t be a burden for you. As the at-fault party (the other driver or drivers) and their insurance company will have legal representation, you should, too.

What Does Damages Mean and What Are They?
Damages is an umbrella term for all the consequences of the accident for which we can determine a financial value. This total amount is what we include in a personal injury lawsuit, if necessary, to hold the at-fault party responsible for the car accident. Damages fall into five main categories:
- Material: In a car accident, your vehicle will likely be damaged, ranging from dents and scratches to irreversible body damage, a.k.a. your car might be “totaled.”
- Physical: Car crash victims often sustain injuries such as broken ribs, concussion, spinal cord injury, neck and back, brain injury, and burns. Medical bills inform physical damages.
- Emotional: Surviving a car accident is only the first step on what can be a long journey. Often, car crash victims may experience ongoing emotional distress, such as anxiety, anger, and irritability. They may even receive a post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis by a qualified mental health professional. The cost of receiving ongoing therapy or intensive in-patient treatment can be included in a personal injury lawsuit.
- Professional: A car accident victim may sometimes miss work or even lose a position due to ongoing medical treatment or a change in physical ability. Lost wages can be included in a personal injury claim.
- Relational: If your spouse is injured in a car accident, they may be unable to contribute as usual to your relationship, such as with physical intimacy, household responsibilities, or parenting roles. You may be able to seek financial compensation for these damages.
Determining damages requires coordination with different parties, sorting through paperwork, gathering evidence, and presenting a strong case that can bring you the relief you need. It’s best to turn to an experienced car accident attorney or law firm like Coulter Harsh Law who can communicate on your behalf with police officers, medical professionals, and insurance companies.
Typical Car Accident Injuries

Car accident victims can sustain a wide range of injuries depending on the speed and circumstances of the car crash. Some injuries require simple treatment and heal quickly, while others may require multiple surgeries or can result in long-term medical treatment. You must seek medical attention immediately to determine the extent of your injuries, which will be foundational for any claim your legal team helps you file.
Our Reno law firm has helped clients with personal injury cases who have suffered injuries like the following:
- Head and neck injuries, e.g., whiplash
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Concussions
- Spinal cord injuries, e.g., partial or complete paralysis
- Burns
- Lacerations
- Nerve damage
- Internal bleeding
- Crush injuries
- Road rash
- Fractured or broken bones
- Amputations/loss of limbs
- Soft tissue damage
- Muscle damage
- Nerve damage
- Death
If you’ve sustained an injury not otherwise listed above, please know this is a comprehensive, though not exhaustive, list; we want to hear from you if you’ve sustained injuries in a car accident.
Common Types of Car Accidents Personal Injury Lawyers Help With

Every car accident client is unique, as are their accident circumstances. However, there are common types of auto accidents that can warrant car accident claims.
The common thread in many of these accidents is reckless driving—too fast, too distracted, and too much disregard for the rules of the road. Sometimes, accidents can be caused by negligence—failing to respond to an evolving situation like a typical person would, like a driver failing to adjust speed and stopping distance during an ice storm.
If you’ve been in a motor vehicle accident, you may wonder how to prove the other driver was at fault. As long as a car accident lawyer can establish, through police reports, medical records, photographs taken at the scene, witnesses, and other documentation, that the other drivers involved are at fault, you have a good chance of recovering compensation.
How to Choose the Right Reno Car Accident Lawyer
When you’re a survivor or a loved one of someone who has been in a motor vehicle accident, you need qualified attorneys to guide you through the legal process. Above all else, you need an experienced car accident lawyer who has often taken — and won — cases like yours.
To recover compensation, you need to hire a car accident lawyer with a proven track record of successful outcomes and who you feel confident can effectively recover compensation for you and your family.
The right-fit lawyer will be able to counter any aggressive efforts by the auto insurance company to minimize or avoid paying you the compensation you are due.
Your Legal Team for Your Reno Car Accident Claim
Car accidents can be frightening at a minimum and life-changing in some cases. Even if you’re able to walk away from your accident with minor injuries that just require time to heal, an auto accident can still leave a lasting impact on how safe you and your family feel on the road and how quickly you’re able to recover from any damages financially. If you or your family has suffered greatly, you may not be able to resume life as usual. If you’ve been in a motor vehicle accident, you deserve Reno car accident lawyers who stop at nothing to ensure a positive outcome. Let Coulter Harsh Law be your advocate until relief is in sight.
How Can Our Reno Car Accident Law Firm Help?
Car accidents happen. After an accident, focus on healing should be your priority while our dedicated Reno car crash lawyers fight for the compensation you deserve. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll these accidents take, and we simplify the legal process so you can recover.
Some of the areas we have helped injured persons financially recover across are:
Questions Personal Injury Clients Ask
When should I hire a car accident attorney?
If you or your loved ones are injured in an accident, take care of your immediate physical needs first and foremost. Your priority after an accident is seeking medical attention from emergency medical personnel on scene and/or medical providers at the hospital if you need to go to one.
It’s best to start contacting an attorney after you receive medical treatment. An experienced legal team will be instrumental in gathering evidence, communicating with law enforcement, talking with medical professionals to assess your injuries, monitoring ongoing costs, and building your case to ensure maximum compensation as soon as possible. Therefore, it’s important to hire your legal team promptly.
Is Nevada a no-fault accident state?
No, Nevada is not a no-fault car accident state. In states where this is the case, drivers must file a claim with their insurance company to pay for injuries after an accident. Because Nevada is NOT a no-fault state, you can file a claim against the other driver’s insurance company.
Can I receive compensation if I wasn’t physically injured in the car accident?
As noted above, damages from a car accident can be far more than physical. You can still receive compensation if you sustain no injuries from the accident. Remember that your vehicle may be damaged, which you shouldn’t have to pay for. Additionally, you may be able to recover lost wages from any work you miss due to transportation challenges. Finally, car accidents can be incredibly frightening; you may be eligible for compensation for any emotional distress. Schedule a consultation with a Reno car accident lawyer to determine your legal options.
What happens if the other driver is uninsured?
Rest assured, you can still pursue legal financial compensation if the other driver in your car accident is uninsured! Many auto insurance policies include a provision for uninsured motorists, which can be a pathway to recovering damages. Additionally, if necessary, you can bring a lawsuit against the driver personally rather than via an insurance policy, though compensation would be awarded based on the driver’s assets. If they have limited assets, the compensation you receive can be limited. There are many legal options to explore which Coulter Harsh Law can assist you to navigate.
How long do I have to file my car accident claim?
In Nevada, any injured person typically has up to two years after the event to file a car accident lawsuit. While this may seem like plenty of time to wait to file a claim after your car accident, you’d be surprised how quickly that time passes when you’re recovering physically, repairing or replacing a vehicle, or planning for life after your accident. We always recommend you start the legal process as soon as you are able after your car crash to ensure you have an opportunity to receive compensation for your medical bills and other damages.
If your accident happened a year or more ago, you should still contact a Reno personal injury lawyer to file your car accident claim today.
Can I afford a Reno car accident attorney?
When you’re already managing medical bills, auto repairs, and lost wages, it can be overwhelming to think about the cost of a lawyer. When you work with Coulter Harsh Law, we want recovery to be your focus, not the complexities of filing a lawsuit. Contact us if you or a family member has been in a car accident.
We Want to Hear From You
Get In Touch
If you’ve been injured in a car crash, you’ve been through enough. Let one of our Reno car accident lawyers take care of your auto accident case so you can focus on healing.