Having car insurance is part of being a responsible driver. But how much do you really need? As a guideline, most states have minimum coverage requirements. That’s usually just enough to cover some basic medical treatment for you and a passenger, and to protect other drivers and property.
However, the state minimum coverage limits often aren’t enough to protect you in a serious accident. While the minimum limits keep you in compliance with the law, and provide adequate protection for minor accidents and issues, more serious collisions can increase costs very quickly. In Nevada, the minimum coverage amounts are:
- $25,000 for bodily injury or death per person ($50,000 for two people in the same accident), and
- $20,000 for injury or property destruction for the other party
While this is all the state legally requires a person to have when they operate a motor vehicle on Nevada’s roadways, you generally need more Reno car accident insurance if you want to be fully protected. Not only do higher coverage levels protect your financial future, but they can also increase your peace of mind.
Minimum Coverage Can Leave You Unprotected
Talking with a Reno car accident attorney is a good way to find out what they recommend, based on what kinds of cases they’ve seen and what levels of coverage have typically been enough. Then you can work with your insurance company to carry the right type and level of insurance for adequate protection.
Keep in mind that it’s not just about the coverage you may need for your own medical bills or those of the other party. It’s also protection for passengers in your vehicle, as well. You don’t want to put your loved ones at risk when they ride with you. While you might not be able to protect them from an accident caused by another party, you can ensure they’ll have medical bill coverage.
Different Situations Require Different Coverage Types
If you have a lien on your vehicle, your finance company may also require you to have additional coverage for comprehensive and collision risks. Comprehensive insurance typically covers incidents such as fire, theft, and glass breakage, while collision insurance is designed to help pay for vehicle repairs if your car is damaged in an accident and the other party doesn’t have proper coverage.
A lot of people who have paid off their vehicles no longer carry these coverage types. However, you want to be sure you have adequate protection if your vehicle is stolen or involved in an accident. Consider the value of your vehicle and whether it would be a financial burden to replace it. In many cases, having comprehensive and collision insurance just makes sense.
By reaching out to Coulter Harsh Law today you can get the information you need from a trusted Reno car accident lawyer. If you’ve been involved in an accident and the other party’s insurance isn’t adequate to cover your needs, working with an attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve.